Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I AM GOING TO VISIT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday I got word that the DNA results were in & it was a positive match!! YEAH!!! This means that I can go visit her now. So I am doing just that! Mom & I are getting on a plane in the morning & going to Guatemala. On Thursday at 4:30pm they will bring her to me for our visit. I am going to hold my baby girl!!!! I will only have her for 24 hours, & I know giving her back to the foster family will be so so so hard to do.. But I am sure that I will treasure the time I am able to spend with her. I will take tons of pictures & post when I get home. Here are a couple of the pics that I recv'd this afternoon.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

She is growing up so fast.