Thursday, January 19, 2006


12 long weeks....
That is how long I have been waiting for the referral of a healthy baby girl from Guatemala. 12 weeks.. Really not a very long time in reality, but it sure feels long at this moment. The waiting is easier than it was last month.. Mostly because the original information I got was that my approximate wait time would be 3-6 weeks from the time the adoption agency received my completed paperwork. (They got it on 10/28) So naturally I was hoping to have a referral by Thanksgiving... Or my birthday at the very latest. This of course had me slowly going insane due the the CONSTANT (like every 5 minutes) checking of my email. Then the week after Christmas I get an email from the adoption agency.. update: the wait time for referrals of infant girls is 3-4 months..UGH! Of course my first & most important question at that point was.. 3-4 months from today (it may have been 12/28.. not sure the exact date..but that is the week) OR 3-4 months from the date they received my paperwork????? As usual.. I got an immediate response from the agency to my question ..PHEW.. 3-4 months from the date they got the paperwork.. So at least I was already 1/2 there. I even went as far as to ask where I was on the list of people waiting for girls.. I was #4. I haven't asked again, so I do not know if I have moved up on the list.. It's probably better that way. I am just hoping I only have the expected 1-5 more weeks of waiting...and that I can keep myself from checking my email every 5 minutes next month.. it can be quite a distraction at work and makes long days even longer. Now consider this a fair warning.. the waiting does not end here.. this is just the beginning of the waiting.. Once I actually accept a referral I have to wait & wait, & wait some more while my case goes through the family court in Guatemala & other legal stuff that not only do I have absolutely NO control over.. But I will also be assigning power of attorney to some lawyer in Guatemala City to act on my behalf.. A complete stranger whom in the end I will be eternally grateful to.


1 comment:

Mama Bird said...

I am so glad you posted this update...I find it very encouraging, actually.